Managing Director
Brief info

Dr. Sachan's journey to becoming a leading authority in dermatology began with his exceptional academic achievements. Graduating with honors and earning a gold medal in MD, he demonstrated his commitment to mastering the intricacies of skin care. His illustrious career trajectory includes affiliations with esteemed institutions such as BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur, and GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, where he honed his skills and garnered invaluable experience.

As an Assistant Professor at Rama Medical College, Kanpur, Dr. Prasoon Sachan has not only nurtured the future generation of medical professionals but has also remained at the forefront of advancements in dermatological practices. His dedication to teaching and mentorship reflects his passion for sharing knowledge and his desire to contribute to the field's growth.

In the world of dermatology, there exists a luminary whose unwavering commitment to excellence has transformed the landscape of skin care. Dr. Prasoon Sachan, the esteemed founder of Charakh Skin & Pedia Clinic, stands as a testament to the fusion of passion, experience, and expertise in the field. With over seven years of dedicated practice, Dr. Sachan has become a trusted name in providing innovative solutions for a wide range of dermatological concerns.

Dr. Sachan’s journey to becoming a leading authority in dermatology began with his exceptional academic achievements. Graduating with honors and earning a gold medal in MD, he demonstrated his commitment to mastering the intricacies of skin care. His illustrious career trajectory includes affiliations with esteemed institutions such as BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur, and GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, where he honed his skills and garnered invaluable experience.

As an Assistant Professor at Rama Medical College, Kanpur, Dr. Prasoon Sachan has not only nurtured the future generation of medical professionals but has also remained at the forefront of advancements in dermatological practices. His dedication to teaching and mentorship reflects his passion for sharing knowledge and his desire to contribute to the field’s growth.

Charakh Skin & Pedia Clinic, the brainchild of Dr. Sachan, represents a beacon of hope for individuals seeking the most advanced and effective skin care solutions. The clinic offers a comprehensive spectrum of services, including advanced laser surgery procedures, specialized treatments for acne and pimples, dermabrasion, scar treatment, wart removal, and cutting-edge laser hair removal.

Dr. Sachan’s unwavering dedication to patient care and his tireless pursuit of excellence have made Charakh Skin & Pedia Clinic a sanctuary for those seeking transformative results and personalized attention. His role as a Consultant at Mariampur Hospital, Kanpur, further exemplifies his commitment to providing the highest standard of care to a diverse patient base.

In the realm of dermatology and advanced skin care, Dr. Prasoon Sachan’s name is synonymous with innovation, expertise, and compassion. As the founder of Charakh Skin & Pedia Clinic, he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, offering individuals a path to not only healthier skin but also enhanced self-confidence and well-being. Dr. Sachan’s legacy is one of relentless pursuit of excellence, and his journey is an inspiration to all those in pursuit of exceptional dermatological care.

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